Scripture Verse

Have them make a sanctuary for Me, and I will dwell among them. Exodus 25:8


William Matson (1833–1899)

Words: Based on Gott ist ge­gen­wärt­ig, by Ger­hard Ter­stee­gen (1697–1769). Pa­ra­phrased by Will­iam T. Mat­son, 1887.

Music: Arns­berg Jo­ach­im Ne­an­der, Glaub-und Lieb­es­übung (Bre­men, Ger­ma­ny: 1680) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Joachim Neander


God is in His tem­ple,
The al­migh­ty Fa­ther!
Round His foot­stool let us ga­ther;
Him with ado­ra­tion,
Serve the Lord most ho­ly,
Who hath mer­cy on the low­ly.
Let us raise hymns of praise
For His great sal­va­tion;
God is in His tem­ple!

Christ comes to His tem­ple;
We, His Word re­ceiv­ing,
Are made hap­py in be­liev­ing.
Lo! from sin de­liv­ered,
He hath turned our sad­ness,
Our deep gloom to light and glad­ness!
Let us raise hymns of praise,
For our bonds are sev­ered;
Christ comes to His tem­ple!

Come and claim Thy tem­ple,
Gracious Holy Spir­it!
In our hearts Thy home in­her­it;
Make in us Thy dwell­ing,
Thy high work ful­fill­ing,
Into ours Thy will in­still­ing;
Till we raise hymns of praise,
Beyond mor­tal tell­ing,
In the eter­nal tem­ple!