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Scripture Verse

God is love. 1 John 4:16


Clara H. Scott (1841–1897)

Words & Mu­sic: Cla­ra H. Scott, 1895 (🔊 ). Ap­peared in Truth in Song (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Mrs. Cla­ra H. Scott, 1896), page 2.


God is Love;
That Love sur­rounds me,
In that Love I safe­ly dwell,
’Tis above, be­neath, with­in me,
Love is mine, and all is well.
God is Love, pure Love,
God is Love, sweet Love,
That Love is mine—mine
And all is well.

God is Life;
That Life sur­rounds me,
In that Life I safe­ly dwell,
’Tis above, be­neath, with­in me,
Life is mine, and all is well.
God is Life, pure Life,
God is Life, sweet Life,
That Life is mine—mine
And all is well.

God is Health;
That Health sur­rounds me,
In that Health I safe­ly dwell,
’Tis above, be­neath, with­in me,
Health is mine, and all is well.
God is Health, pure Health,
God is Health, sweet Health,
That Health is mine—mine
And all is well.

God is Peace;
That Peace sur­rounds me,
In that Peace I safe­ly dwell,
’Tis above, be­neath, with­in me,
Peace is mine, and all is well.
God is Peace, pure Peace,
God is Peace, sweet Peace,
That Peace is mine—mine
And all is well.

God is Strength;
That Strength sur­rounds me,
In that Strength I safe­ly dwell,
’Tis above, be­neath, with­in me,
Strength is mine, and all is well.
God is Strength, pure Strength,
God is Strength, sweet Strength,
That Strength is mine—mine,
And all is well.

God is Joy;
That Joy sur­rounds me,
In that Joy I safe­ly dwell,
’Tis ab­ove, be­neath, with­in me,
Joy is mine, and all is well.
God is Joy, pure Joy,
God is Joy, sweet Joy,
That Joy is mine—mine
And all is well.

God is Truth;
That Truth sur­rounds me,
In that Truth I safe­ly dwell,
’Tis above, be­neath, with­in me,
Truth is mine, and all is well.
God is Truth, pure Truth,
God is Truth, sweet Truth,
That Truth is mine—mine
And all is well.