I bring you good tidings of great joy.
Luke 2:10
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Royal Diadem, edited by Robert Lowry & W. Howard Doane (New York: Biglow & Main, 1873), number 56.
Music: Robert Lowry (🔊
Glad tidings! glad tidings! O wonderful love!
A message has come from
Our Father above;
’Tis Jesus who brought it
To young and to old,
A message of mercy
More precious than gold.
Glad tidings, glad tidings!
O wonderful, wonderful, wonderful love!
Glad tidings, glad tidings!
We hail the glad tidings of wonderful love.
He saith to the weary, O come unto Me;
The poor and the lowly
His glory may see;
He blesseth the meek
With His soul-cheering voice;
He comforts the mourners
And bids them rejoice.
How happy are they who believe in the Lord,
And love the sweet counsel
They find in His Word!
Be ready to hear, and
Be swift to obey,
And follow His steps
In the bright shining way.