Scripture Verse

I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Psalm 122:1


James Montgomery
National Portrait Gallery


Words: James Mont­go­me­ry, Songs of Zi­on (Lon­don: Long­man, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1822).

Music: Sil­ver Street Is­aac Smith, cir­ca 1770 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Isaac Smith (1734–1805)
National Portrait Gallery



Glad was my heart to hear
My old companions say,
Come—in the House of God appear,
For ’tis a holy day.

Our willing feet shall stand
Within the temple-door,
While young and old in many a band,
Shall throng the sacred floor.

Thither the tribes repair,
Where all are wont to meet,
And joyful in the house of prayer
Bend at the mercy-seat.

Pray for Je­ru­sa­lem,
The city of our God;
The Lord from heaven be kind to them
That love the dear abode.

Within these walls may peace
And harmony be found;
Zion, in all thy palaces,
Prosperity abound!

For friends and brethren dear,
Our prayer shall ne­ver cease,
Oft as they meet for worship here,
God send His people peace!