Scripture Verse

God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. Matthew 22:32


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: John Ell­er­ton, 1858, alt.

Music: Me­li­ta John B. Dykes, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1861 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

John Ellerton (1826–1893)


God of the liv­ing, in whose eyes
Unveiled Thy whole cre­ation lies,
All souls are Thine, we must not say
That those are dead who pass away;
From this our world of flesh set free,
We know them liv­ing un­to Thee.

Released from earth­ly toil and strife,
With Thee is hid­den still their life;
Thine are their thoughts, their works, their pow­ers,
All Thine, and yet most tru­ly ours;
For well we know, wher­e’er they be,
Our dead are liv­ing un­to Thee.

Not spilt like wa­ter on the ground,
Not wrapped in dream­less sleep pro­found,
Not wan­de­ring in un­known des­pair,
Beyond Thy voice, Thine arm, Thy care;
Not left to lie like fall­en tree—
Not dead, but liv­ing, un­to Thee.

Thy Word is true, Thy will is just;
To Thee we leave them, Lord, in trust;
And bless Thee for the love which gave
Thy Son to fill a hu­man grave;
That none might fear that world to see
Where all are liv­ing un­to Thee.

O Breath­er in­to man of breath,
O Hold­er of the keys of death,
O Giv­er of the life with­in,
Save us from death, the death of sin,
That bo­dy, soul, and spir­it be
Forever liv­ing un­to Thee.