Scripture Verse

Behold, I make all things new. Revelation 21:5


John Brownlie (1857–1925)

Words: Au­thor un­known. Trans­lat­ed to Eng­lish by John Brown­lie, Hymns from the Morn­ing Land 1911, page 53.

Music: Gi­be­on Sam­uel Wes­ley, in No­vel­lo’s The Psalm­ist, 1835 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Samuel Wesley (1766–1837)
National Portrait Gallery



Glory to God! The morn ap­point­ed breaks,
And earth awakes from all the woe­ful past;
For, with the morn, the Lord of life awakes,
And sin and death in­to the grave are cast.

Glory to God! The cross, with all its shame,
Now sheds its glo­ry o’er a ran­somed world;
For He who bore the bur­den of our blame,
With pierc­èd hands the foe to hell hath hurled.

Glory to God! Sing, ran­somed souls again,
And let your songs our glo­ri­ous vic­tor laud,
Who by His might hath snapped the ty­rant’s chain,
And set us free to rise with Him to God.

Darkness and night, fare­well! The morn is here;
Welcome! the light that ush­ers in the day;
Visions of joy be­fore our sight ap­pear,
And, like the clouds, our sor­rows melt away.

Great Son of God, im­mor­tal and re­nown­ed!
Brighter than morn the glo­ry on Thy brow;
Crowns must be won, and Thou are no­bly crown­ed,
For death is dead, and sin is van­quished now.