To Him be glory both now and for ever.
2 Peter 3:18
Words: John H. Sammis, 1900.
Music: Daniel B. Towner (🔊
Saved by grace alone,
God’s own word believing—
It is glory all the way!
Walking in the light,
Daily grace receiving—
It is glory all the way!
Glory! Glory!
It is glory all the way.
Glory! Glory!
It is glory all the way.
Not a care have I
Since my Savior careth—
It is glory all the way!
Guided by His eye,
While with me He fareth—
It is glory all the way!
Severed from the world,
His dear name confessing—
It is glory all the way!
Taking up the cross,
Sharing in the blessing—
It is glory all the way!
Sinner, put your trust
In this loving Savior—
It is glory all the way!
Freely He forgives
All our past behavior—
It is glory all the way!
Working day by day,
Minded that He sees us—
It is glory all the way!
Watch and wait and pray,
Looking unto Jesus—
It is glory all the way!