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Scripture Verse

Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:10


Ernst W. Olson (1870–1958)

Words: Ernst W. Ol­son, 1920.

Music: Rus­sian Hymn Al­ex­is F. Lvov, 1833 (🔊 ).

Alexis F. Lvov (1798–1870)


Glorious Yule­tide, glad bells pro­claim it,
Children ex­tol its joys in ju­bi­lant throng.
Come, all ye peo­ple, join in our glad­ness,
Loud ring our prais­es in sac­red song.

Onward to Beth­le­hem, fol­low the shep­herds,
Gather around the low­ly man­ger and stall.
Join with the ang­els, wel­come the Sav­ior
Born in the flesh to be Lord of all.

Onward to Beth­le­hem, fo­llow the wise men,
Come from afar with their gifts and hom­age to bring.
Sweeter than in­cense, prized more than jew­els,
Hearts true and loy­al un­to the King!