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Scripture Verse

Lord, remember David, and all his afflictions. Psalm 132:1


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 367.

Music: All the Way Ro­bert Low­ry (🔊 ).

Robert Lowry (1826–1899)


Gracious Lord, re­me­mber Da­vid,
How he made Thy house his care,
How he vowed to seek no plea­sure
Till Thy house he should pre­pare.
Lord, re­mem­ber his de­vo­tion;
Restless in his courts he trod
Till he found a ha­bi­ta­tion
Fit for Is­ra­el’s migh­ty God;
Till he found a ha­bi­ta­tion
Fit for Is­ra­el’s migh­ty God.

Far away God’s ark was rest­ing,
It is with His peo­ple now;
We will go in­to His tem­ple,
At His foot­stool we will bow.
With the ark, Thy might re­veal­ing,
Enter, Lord, in­to Thy rest;
Let Thy priests be clothed with jus­tice,
Let Thy joy­ful saints be blest;
Let Thy priests be clothed with jus­tice,
Let Thy joy­ful saints be blest.

Let the king be­hold Thy fa­vor
For Thy ser­vant Da­vid’s sake,
Unto whom a sac­red pro­mise,
Sure and faith­ful, Thou didst make.
If his child­ren keep Thy co­ve­nant
And Thy tes­ti­mo­ny own,
Then, as Thou, O Lord, hast pro­mised,
They shall sit up­on the throne;
Then, as Thou, O Lord, hast pro­mised,
They shall sit up­on the throne.

Thou, the Lord, hast chos­en Zi­on,
Thou hast ev­er loved her well;
This My rest­ing place for­ev­er,
Thou say’st, “I choose to dwell.
Surely I will bless and help her,
Feed her poor, her saints make glad,
And her priests shall stand be­fore Me
In sal­va­tion’s gar­ments clad;
And her priests shall stand be­fore Me
In sal­va­tion’s gar­ments clad.

I will cause the might of Da­vid
Ever more and more to grow;
On the path of Mine An­oint­ed
I will make a lamp to glow.
All His en­emies shall per­ish,
I will co­ver them with shame;
But His crown shall ev­er flour­ish;
Blessèd be His ho­ly name;
But His crown shall ever flour­ish;
Blessèd be His ho­ly name.