Scripture Verse

Behold, God is mighty. Job 36:7


Words: Tra­dit­ion­al hymn, 17th Cen­tu­ry. Trans­lat­ed from He­brew to Eng­lish by Gus­tav Gott­heil (1827–1903) & oth­ers.

Music: Ad­dir Hu 17th Cen­tu­ry He­brew tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

Gustav Gottheil (1827–1903)


God of might, God of right,
Thee we give all glo­ry;
Thine all praise in these days
As in ages hoa­ry,
When we hear, year by year,
Freedom’s won­drous sto­ry.

Now as erst, when Thou first
Madst the pro­cla­ma­tion,
Warning loud ev­ery proud,
Every ty­rant na­tion,
We Thy fame still pro­claim,
Bend in ado­ra­tion.

Be with all who in thrall
To their task are driv­en;
In Thy pow­er speed the hour
When their chains are riv­en;
Earth around will re­sound
Gleeful hymns to Hea­ven.