Scripture Verse

May the Lord of peace Himself give you peace. 2 Thessalonians 3:16


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: John H. Holmes, 1911.

Music: St. Ag­nes John B. Dykes, in Hym­nal for Use in the Eng­lish Church, by John Grey, 1866 (🔊 pdf nwc).

John H. Holmes (1879–1964)


God of the na­tions, near and far,
Ruler of all man­kind,
Bless Thou Thy peo­ple as they strive
The paths of peace to find.

The clash of arms still shakes the sky,
King bat­tles still with king—
Wild through the fright­ed air of night
The bloody toc­sins ring.

But clear­er far the friend­ly speech
Of sci­en­tists and seers,
The wise de­bate of states­men and
The shouts of pio­neers.

And strong­er far the clasp­èd hands
Of la­bor’s teem­ing throngs,
Who in a hun­dred tongues re­peat
Their com­mon creeds and songs.

From shore to shore the peo­ples call
In loud and sweet ac­claim,
The gloom of land and sea is lit
With Pen­te­cost­al flame.

O Fa­ther! from the curse of war
We pray Thee give re­lease,
And speed, O speed the bless­èd day
Of jus­tice, love and peace!