Scripture Verse

God is love. 1 John 4:16


Words: Ap­peared in Mil­len­ni­al Prais­es, com­piled by Seth Wells (Han­cock, Mas­sa­chu­setts: 1812). Note: The lyr­ics are some­times at­trib­ut­ed (in­cor­rect­ly) to How­ard Kings­bu­ry (1842–1878), who ar­ranged mu­sic for them in Hap­py Voic­es in 1865.

Music: God Is Love (Lo­renz) Ed­mund S. Lo­renz, in Notes of Tri­umph for the Sun­day School, 1886 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

  • Zealley El­sie Zeal­ley (1868–1965) (🔊 pdf nwc) (omits re­frain)
Edmund S. Lorenz (1854–1942)


Come, let us all unite to sing:
God is love!
Let Heav’n and earth their prais­es bring,
God is love!
Let ev­ery soul from sin awake,
Let ev­ery heart sweet mu­sic make,
And sing with us for Je­sus’ sake:
God is love!


God is love! God is love!
Come let us all unite to sing that God is love.

O tell to earth’s re­mot­est bound,
God is love!
In Christ we have re­demp­tion found,
God is love!
His blood has washed our sins away,
His Spir­it turned our night to day,
And now we can re­joice to say:
God is love!


How hap­py is our por­tion here,
God is love!
His promises our spir­its cheer,
God is love!
He is our sun and shield by day,
Our help, our hope, our strength and stay;
He will be with us all the way;
God is love!


In Ca­naan we will sing again:
God is love!
And this shall be our loud­est strain:
God is love!
Whilst end­less ag­es roll along,
We’ll tri­umph with the hea­ven­ly throng
And this shall be our sweet­est song:
God is love!
