Scripture Verse

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer. Psalm 18:2


Martin Luther (1483–1546)
Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1529

Words: Mar­tin Lu­ther, 1529 (Ein’ feste Burg ist un­ser Gott). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Mi­chael A. Per­ry, as­sist­ed by An­na­ma­rie von Rad, 1981.

Mu­sic: Mar­tin Lu­ther, 1529 (🔊 pdf nwc).


God is our fort­ress and our rock,
Our migh­ty help in dan­ger;
He shields us from the bat­tle’s shock
And thwarts the de­vil’s an­ger;
For still the prince of night
Prolongs ev­il’s fight;
He uses all skill
To work his wick­ed will;
No earth­ly force is like him.

Our hope is fixed on Christ alone,
The Man of God’s own choos­ing;
Without him no­thing can be won
And fight­ing must be los­ing;
So let the pow­ers ac­cursed
Come try do their worst;
Christ Je­sus shall ride
To bat­tle at our side,
And he shall have the vic­to­ry.

The word of God will not be slow
While de­mon hordes sur­round us,
Though ev­il strike its cru­el­est blow
And death and hell con­found us:
For though we meet dis­tress,
Lose all we pos­sess;
Those plan­ning our ill
May rav­age, wreck, or kill;
God’s king­dom is im­mor­tal!