Scripture Verse

O Thou that hearest prayer. Psalm 65:2


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns for Those That Seek, and Those That Have Re­demp­tion in the Blood of Je­sus Christ 1747, num­ber 15.

Music: Mer­cy Lou­is M. Gott­schalk, 1867 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Louis M. Gottschalk (1829–1869)


God of love, that hear­est pray­er,
Kindly for Thy peo­ple care,
Who on Thee alone de­pend,
Save us, save us to the end.

Save us in the pros­per­ous hour,
From the flat­ter­ing tempt­er’s pow­er,
From his un­sus­pect­ed wiles,
From the world’s per­ni­cious smiles.

Cut off our de­pen­dence vain
On the help of fee­ble man,
Every arm of flesh re­move,
Stay us on Thy on­ly love,

Cut off our de­pen­dence vain
On the help of fee­ble man,
Every arm of flesh re­move;
Stay us on Thy on­ly love.

Let us still af­flict­ed be,
Sheltered in Thy po­ver­ty,
Covered with Thy sac­red shame,
Kept by Thine al­migh­ty name.

Men of world­ly, low de­sign,
Let not these Thy peo­ple join,
Dare thy hal­lowed ark sus­tain,
Touch it with their hands pro­fane.

Savior, com­pass us about,
Keep the rich and no­ble out,
Till their all in heart they sell,
Till the worms their base­ness feel.

Men of dig­ni­ty and pow­er
Let not them Thy flock de­vour,
Poison our sim­pli­ci­ty,
Drag us from our trust in Thee.

Save us from the great and wise,
Till they sink in their own eyes,
Till they to Thy yoke sub­mit,
Lay their hon­or at Thy feet.

Never let the world break in;
Fix a migh­ty gulf be­tween:
Keep us lit­tle and un­known,
Prized and loved by God alone.

Let us still to Thee look up,
Thee, Thy Is­ra­el’s strength and hope;
Nothing known, or seek, be­side
Jesus, and Him cru­ci­fied.

Dignified with worth di­vine
Let us in Thine im­age shine,
High in heav’n­ly plac­es sit,
See the moon be­neath our feet,

Far above all cre­at­ed things,
Look we down on earth­ly kings;
Taste our glo­ri­ous li­ber­ty,
Find our hap­pi­ness in Thee.