I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for Me?
Jeremiah 32:27
Words: Albert B. Simpson, Hymns of the Christian Life No. 2 (South Nyack, New York: Christian Alliance Publishing, 1897), number 107.
God has His best things for the few
That dare to stand the test;
God has His second choice for those
Who will not have His best.
Give me, O Lord, Thy best things,
Let others take the rest;
I do not want their good things,
For I have got the best.
It is not always open ill
That risks the promised rest;
The better often is the foe
That keeps us from the best.
There’s scarcely one but vaguely wants
In some way to be blest;
’Tis not Thy blessing, Lord, I seek,
I want Thy very best.
And others make the highest choice,
But when by trials pressed,
They shrink, they yield, they shun the cross,
And so they lose the best.
I want, in this short life of mine,
As much as can be pressed,
Of service true for God and man;
Help me to be my best.
I want, among the victor throng,
To have my name confessed;
And hear my Master say at last,
Well done, you did your best.