Scripture Verse

God is love. 1 John 4:8


Words: Sher­man G. Pitt, 1912. Ap­peared in World-Wide Re­vi­val Hymns, ed­it­ed by W. El­mer Bai­ley (Find­lay, Ohio: W. El­mer Ba­iley, 1914), nu­mber 34.

Music: Charles H. Marsh (🔊 pdf nwc).


Lord, I see on rock for­ma­tions,
And the storm’s re­ver­be­ra­tions,
In the life that swims the sea,
In the birds and beasts and trees,
God’s heart is love.


God’s heart is love,
Yes, al­ways love;
From earth’s be­gin­ning to the end,
God’s heart is love.

In Thy pro­vi­den­tial deal­ings
We can know Thy won­drous feel­ings;
And tho’ read as in a glass,
Yet we catch the truths that pass:
God’s heart is love.


See the great, the glo­ri­ous Mas­ter!
What was wrong that such dis­as­ter
Should o’er­take Him on the tree?
Oh, ’twas sin. God set us free:
God’s heart is love.


Now we catch the glo­ri­ous vi­sion
Of the won­der­ful pro­vi­sion
God has made for us on high,
Who for Christ will live and die.
God’s heart is love.
