God is love.
1 John 4:8
Words: Sherman G. Pitt, 1912. Appeared in World-Wide Revival Hymns, edited by W. Elmer Bailey (Findlay, Ohio: W. Elmer Bailey, 1914), number 34.
Music: Charles H. Marsh (🔊
Lord, I see on rock formations,
And the storm’s reverberations,
In the life that swims the sea,
In the birds and beasts and trees,
God’s heart is love.
God’s heart is love,
Yes, always love;
From earth’s beginning to the end,
God’s heart is love.
In Thy providential dealings
We can know Thy wondrous feelings;
And tho’ read as in a glass,
Yet we catch the truths that pass:
God’s heart is love.
See the great, the glorious Master!
What was wrong that such disaster
Should o’ertake Him on the tree?
Oh, ’twas sin. God set us free:
God’s heart is love.
Now we catch the glorious vision
Of the wonderful provision
God has made for us on high,
Who for Christ will live and die.
God’s heart is love.