Scripture Verse

I saw the Lord sitting on His throne, and all the host of Heaven standing by Him on His right hand and on His left. 1 Kings 22:19


Words & Mu­sic: Kit­tie L. Suf­field, 1929 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Kittie L. Suffield (1884–1972)


Have you start­ed for glo­ry and Hea­ven?
Have you left this old world far be­hind?
In your heart is the Com­fort­er dwell­ing?
Can you say, Praise the Lord, He is mine?
Have the ones that once walked on the high­way
Gone back, and you seem all alone?
Keep your eyes on the prize,
For the home in the skies;
God is still on the throne.


God is still on the throne,
And He will re­mem­ber His own;
Tho’ tri­als may press us and bur­dens dis­tress us,
He ne­ver will leave us alone;
God is still on the throne,
He ne­ver for­sak­eth His own;
His pro­mise is true, He will not for­get you,
God is still on the throne.

Burdened soul, is your heart grow­ing wea­ry
With the toil and the heat of the day?
Does it seem that your path is more thor­ny
As you jour­ney along on life’s way?
Go away and in sec­ret be­fore Him
Tell your grief to the Sav­ior alone;
He will light­en your care,
For He still an­swers pray­er;
God is still on the throne.


You may live in a tent or a cot­tage,
Unnoticed by those who pass by;
But a man­sion for you He is build­ing
In that beau­ti­ful ci­ty on high;
It will out­shine the wealth and the splen­dor
Of the rich­est on earth we have known;
He’s the ar­chi­tect true,
And He’s build­ing for you;
God is still on the throne.


He is com­ing again, is the pro­mise
To dis­ci­ples when He went away;
In like man­ner as He has gone from you,
You will see Him re­turn­ing some day;
Does His tar­ry­ing cause you to won­der,
Does it seem He’s for­got­ten His own?
His pro­mise is true, He is com­ing for you;
God is still on the throne.
