Scripture Verse

God of our fathers, art not Thou God in Heaven? 2 Chronicles 20:6


Winfred E. Garrison (1874–1969)

Words: Win­fred E. Gar­ri­son (1874–1969).

Music: Lobe den Herr­en An­der Theil des Er­neu­er­ten Ge­sang­buch, se­cond edi­tion (Bre­men, Ger­ma­ny: 1665). Har­mo­ny by Will­iam S. Ben­nett, 1864 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William S. Bennett


God of our fa­thers,
The strength of our peo­ple and na­tion,
Gladly we come
To Thy pre­sence with true ado­ra­tion,
Seeking Thy face
Trusting Thy love and Thy grace,
Thou art our health and sal­va­tion.

God of all mer­cy,
For par­don and peace we im­plore Thee,
Humbly con­fess­ing
Our faults and our fail­ures before Thee.
Children of men,
Falling and ris­ing again,
Still give us grace to ad­ore Thee.

God of the poor
And the weak, to our pray­er now at­tend­ing,
Teach us to fol­low
The Mas­ter of all men in blend­ing
Worship with deed,
Praises with ser­vice to need,
All men in His name be­friend­ing.

God of all peo­ples,
Let jus­tice and peace like a ri­ver
Flow through the world
Until all, in one com­mon en­dea­vor,
Build among men
Brotherhood’s king­dom, and then
Thine be the glo­ry for­ev­er.