The isles shall wait for His law.
Isaiah 42:4
Words: Mrs. Vokes, alt. Appeared A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors, by John Rippon, 15th edition, 1800. Reflecting the hymn’s British source, the original first line read, Go, favour’d Britons, and proclaim.
Music: Winchester New Musikalisches Handbuch (Hamburg, Germany: 1690). Harmony by William H. Monk, 1847, alt. (🔊
Go, favored Christians, and proclaim
The kind Redeemer you have found;
Publish His ever precious name
To all the wondering nations round.
Go, tell th’unlettered wretched slave,
Who groans beneath a tyrant’s rod,
You bring a freedom bought with blood,
The blood of an incarnate God.
And tell the panting sable chief,
On Ethiopia’s scorching sand,
You come with a refreshing stream
To cheer and bless his thirsty land.
Go tell, on India’s golden shores,
The Ganges, Tibet, and Bhoutan,
That to enrich their deathless mind
You come, the friends of God and man.
Tell all the distant isles afar
That lie in darkness and the grave
You come a glorious light to show,
You come their souls to seek and save.
Say the religion you profess
Is all benevolence and love,
And, crowned with energy divine,
Its heavenly origin will prove.