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Scripture Verse

This is the promise…eternal life. 1 John 2:25


Jessie Pounds (1861–1921)

Words: Jes­sie B. Pounds, in Beau­ti­ful Songs of Zi­on, ed­it­ed by Le­on­ard Daugh­er­ty (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Stand­ard Pub­lish­ing, 1900).

Music: Charles K. Lang­ley, Sr. (🔊 ).

Charles K. Langley, Sr.


The fires of the sun shall be quenched at last,
And the stead­fast stars be gone;
But souls of the ran­somed shall live in strength,
And they still shall be go­ing on.


Going on, go­ing on,
They still shall be go­ing on;
Forever and aye, through eter­nal day,
They still shall be go­ing on.

As souls that re­mem­ber and feel and thrill,
We shall live when seas are dry;
As sep­ar­ate be­ings, to love and will,
We shall live, nev­er­more to die.


From glo­ry to glo­ry our path shall be,
And from grace to per­fect grace;
Through all the wide years of eter­ni­ty,
We shall look on our dear Lord’s face.

Going on, go­ing on,
We still shall be go­ing on;
Forever and aye, through eter­nal day,
We still shall be go­ing on.