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Scripture Verse

The city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. Revelation 21:18


Herbert H. Booth

Words & Mu­sic: Her­bert H. Booth (1862–1926) (🔊 ).


I’ve a home fair and bright in yon­der ci­ty,
To its gates I am march­ing along;
When my fight­ing for Je­sus here is ov­er,
I shall then take my place with the throng
That face to face be­holds the Sav­ior,
In whose praise is raised its song.


Up in the gold­en ci­ty
There’s a man­sion to me will be giv’n;
I am rich­er by far
Than a queen or a czar,
I’m an heir of the wealth of Heav’n.

It is true on the way to yon­der ci­ty,
I’ve to cross o’er a cold roll­ing flood;
But I trust Him to guide me by whose pi­ty
I’ve been led to the sin-cleans­ing blood;
As He has said He’ll nev­er leave me,
I will trust my friend, my God.


Do you know there’s no place in yon­der ci­ty,
For a soul that is bur­dened with guilt?
Do you know that no sin can ev­er en­ter?
Hasten then to the blood that was spilt
To cleanse from sin, and with me jour­ney
To the ci­ty God has built.
