Scripture Verse

Thou hast destroyed thyself; but in Me is thine help. Hosea 13:9


John F. Bridge (1844–1924)

Words: Hen­ry W. Bak­er, in Hymns for Miss­ion Ser­vic­es, 1876.

Music: God Made Me John F. Bridge, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1889 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Henry W. Baker (1821–1877)


God made me for Him­self, to serve Him here
With love’s pure ser­vice and in fil­ial fear;
To show His praise, for Him to la­bor now;
Then see His glo­ry where the an­gels bow.

All need­ful grace was mine,
Through His dear Son,
Whose life and death my full sal­va­tion won;
The grace that would have
Strengthened me, and taught;
Grace that would crown me
When my work was wrought.

And I, poor sin­ner, cast it all away;
Lived for the toil or plea­sure of each day;
As if no Christ had shed His pre­cious blood,
As if I owed no hom­age to my God.

O Ho­ly Spir­it, with Thy fire di­vine,
Melt in­to tears this thank­less heart of mine;
Teach me to love what once I seemed to hate,
And live to God, be­fore it be too late.