Scripture Verse

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Matthew 6:13


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1740.

Music: An­gel­us Ge­org Joseph, Heil­ige Seel­en­lust od­er Geist­liche Hirt­en-Lied­er (Bres­lau, Ger­ma­ny [now Wro­cław, Po­land]: 1657) (set to the words Du mein­er Seel­en güld­ne Ziehr) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Jo­seph (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Joseph Tay­lor, Mis­sion­ary Sec­re­ta­ry 1818–20, and Pre­si­dent of the Con­fer­ence in 1834, was sent out as a mis­sion­ary to the West Ind­ies in 1803 by Dr. Coke, and would oft­en in lat­er life quote…Oft hath the sea con­fessed Thy pow­er, as he re­ferred to the dan­gers and af­flic­tions of those event­ful years.

Zachary Mac­au­lay…says this hymn scarce ev­er re­curs to my mind with­out caus­ing it to swell with grate­ful re­Col­lect­ion.

Telford, p. 109


God of my life, whose gra­cious pow­er
Through var­ied deaths my soul hath led,
Or turned aside the fa­tal hour,
Or lift­ed up my sink­ing head!

In all my ways Thy hand I own,
Thy rul­ing pro­vi­dence I see:
Assist me still my course to run,
And still di­rect my paths to Thee.

On Thee my help­less soul is cast,
And looks again Thy grace to prove;
I call to mind the won­ders past,
The count­less won­ders of Thy love.

Thou, Lord, my spir­it oft has stayed,
Hast snatched me from the gap­ing tomb,
A mo­nu­ment of Thy mer­cy made,
And res­cued me from wrath to come.

Oft hath the sea con­fessed Thy pow­er,
And gave me back to Thy com­mand;
It could not, Lord, my life de­vour,
Safe in the hol­low of Thine hand.

Oft from the mar­gin of the grave
Thou, Lord, hast lift­ed up my head;
Sudden I found Thee near to save;
The fe­ver owned Thy touch, and fled.

But O! The migh­ti­er work of grace,
That still the life of faith I live,
That still I pant to sing Thy praise,
That still my all I gasp to give.

Plucked from the roar­ing lion’s teeth,
Caught up from the eter­nal fire,
Snatched from the gates of hell I breathe,
And lo! to Hea­ven I still as­pire!

Whither, oh whi­ther should I fly,
But to my lov­ing Sav­ior’s breast;
Secure with­in Thine arms to lie,
And safe be­neath Thy wings to rest!

I feel the fie­ry tri­al near,
But Thou, my God, art still the same;
Hell, earth, and sin I scorn to fear,
Divinely armed with Je­su’s name.

I have no skill the snare to shun,
But Thou, O Christ, my wis­dom art;
I ev­er in­to ru­in run:
But Thou art great­er than my heart.

I have no might t’op­pose the foe,
But ev­er­last­ing strength is Thine.
Show me the way that I should go;
Show me the path I should de­cline.

Which shall I leave, and which pur­sue?
Thou on­ly mine ad­vis­or be;
My God, I know not what to do;
But Oh! mine eyes are fixed on Thee.

Foolish, and im­po­tent, and blind,
Lead me a way I have not known;
Bring me where I my hea­ven may find,
The hea­ven of lov­ing Thee alone.

Enlarge my heart to make Thee room;
Enter, and in me ev­er stay;
The crook­ed then shalt straight be­come:
The dark­ness shall be lost in day!