Scripture Verse

Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


Jacob H. Hall (1855–1941)

Words: Lau­ra E. New­ell, in Crown­ing Day No. 3, ed­it­ed by Ja­cob Hall et al. (Day­ton, Vir­gin­ia: Rue­bush-Kief­fer, 1898), num­ber 2.

Music: Ja­cob H. Hall (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of New­ell or Hall,

Laura E. Newell (1854–1916)


Have you heard the in­vi­ta­tion?
Jesus says, Come un­to Me,
Come to Me, O, come to Me.

’Tis the mes­sage of sal­va­tion,
That the Mas­ter brings to thee,
Come to Me, O, come to Me.


Come to Me, O, come to Me;
Jesus says, Come un­to Me.
Weary heart, for re­fuge flee
Unto Christ who call­eth thee.

There are bless­èd ma­ny man­sions
Waiting for the pure and true;
Come to Me, O, come to Me.
There in Hea­ven’s green ex­pan­sions
Hear the Sav­ior call to you,
Come to Me, O, come to Me.


Heavy la­den, or awea­ry,
Jesus says, In Me find rest,
Come to Me, O come to Me.

Does your path in life seem drea­ry?
By His love you may be blest,
Come to Me, O, come to Me.


Time is short, and days are fleet­ing,
Heed the mes­sage, Come to Me,
Come to Me, O, come to Me.

O, the joy of yon­der greet­ing,
In the home be­yond the sea,
Come to Me, O, come to Me.
