Scripture Verse

…for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7


Words: Da­ni­el S. Two­hig, 1922.

Music: John E. Stur­gis (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Sturgis or Twohig (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


When your heart with life’s bur­dens is wea­ry,
And the path­way around you is drear,
There is one who is al­ways beside you,
Your cry of dis­tress He will hear.


Go tell your sto­ry to Je­sus,
He is your Sav­ior and guide;
He came from above, in in­fi­nite love,
To save you on Cal­v’ry He died;
Trusting this gra­cious Re­deem­er,
You may your cour­age renew;
Go tell your sto­ry to Je­sus,
Find out how much He loves you.

Come to Me is the kind in­vi­ta­tion
Of Je­sus, your Sav­ior and Lord;
Lean on Him, there is rest in His bo­som,
Find com­fort in His ho­ly Word.


When the tri­als of life are all end­ed,
When you reach the glad home of the blest,
You will dwell in the glo­ry with Je­sus,
Forever with Him you will rest.
