To the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.
1 Timothy 1:17
Words: Charles Wesley, Hymns for Use of Families 1767.
Music: Mainzer Joseph Mainzer, 1841 (🔊
God only wise, and great, and strong,
Hath made the orbs to run their race:
Knowledge and might to God belong,
Honor, and majesty, and praise.
Jehovah is unchangeable,
His ways and thoughts are not as ours;
He cheers the languid souls that fail;
And quickens all their drooping powers.
Gently He lifts the fallen up,
He gives them faith, and faith’s increase,
Revives their feeble, dying hope,
And fills with love, and joy and peace.
Blasted, the vigor of the young
Shall fade, and suddenly decay;
The bold, and confident and strong,
Shall fear, despair, and die away.
But they who wait upon the Lord
Shall surely find His promise true,
Receive the quickening powerful Word,
And, born of God, their strength renew.
Their willing souls, from sin set free,
Shall swiftly in His statutes move,
Shall walk in glorious liberty
Shall fly upon the wings of love.