Scripture Verse

Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15


Robert L. Selle (1865–1929)

Words: Will­iam M. Dar­wood, in Choic­est Gems for Sab­bath Schools (Day­ton, Vir­gin­ia & Fort Worth, Tex­as: Rue­bush-Kief­fer & R. L. Selle, 1893).

Music: Buck­roe Beach Ro­bert L. Selle (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Dar­wood (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Ye mes­sen­gers of grace,
Ye flam­ing her­alds, go
To ev­ery clime and coast,
And let the na­tions know
My Gos­pel’s one of light
To those in dark­ness chained,
To those in black­est night,
Where sin so long has reigned.


Go in­to all the world,
To all the na­tions go;
And tell them of the blood
That wash­es white as snow.

My Gos­pel’s one of grace,
To all man­kind ’tis giv’n;
It seeks to save the race,
And lift it up to Heav’n;
My Gos­pel’s one of pow­er
To those that be­lieve,
E’en those who mur­dered Me,
The mes­sage may re­ceive.


Lord, we ob­ey Thy call,
We’ll to the na­tions go,
And tell them of the blood
That wash­es white as snow;
On Con­go’s migh­ty stream,
On Tan­gan­yi­ka’s shore,
We’ll spread the glo­ri­ous truth
That man may sin no more.


From east and west, from north,
And south, we’re march­ing home
Where Je­sus waits to say,
O come, ye bless­èd, come,
Sit with Me on My throne;
You did your du­ty well,
And saved the sin­ners lost
From go­ing down to hell.


Ring out the bless­èd sound,
Praise to our God be giv’n,
And Je­sus Christ His Son,
Who brought us home to Heav’n;
Salvation to the Lamb,
The Lamb for sin­ners slain,
Ring out, The work is done,
Reign, Christ, for­ev­er reign.
