Scripture Verse

Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great. 1 Timothy 3:16


Michael Praetorius (1571–1621)

Words: St. Ger­man­us, 734 (Neale’s 1862 ver­sion at­trib­uted the hymn to St. Ana­to­li­us) (Μέγα καὶ παράδοξον θαυμα). Trans­lat­ed from Greek to Eng­lish by John M. Neale, Hymns of the East­ern Church (Lon­don: J. T. Hayes, 1862), pag­es 64–65, alt. Sti­che­ra for Christ­mas-tide.

Music: Es ist ein Ros’ Al­te ca­thol­ische geis­tliche Kirch­en­ge­säng (Co­logne, Ger­ma­ny, 1599). Har­mo­ny by Mi­chael Prae­to­ri­us, 1609 (🔊 pdf nwc).

John M. Neale (1818–1866)


A great and migh­ty won­der,
A full and ho­ly cure!
The vir­gin bears the In­fant
With vir­gin hon­or pure!
Repeat the hymn again:
To God on high be glo­ry
And peace on earth to men!

The Word be­comes in­car­nate
And yet re­mains on high,
And che­ru­bim sing an­thems
To shep­herds from the sky.
Repeat the hymn again:
To God on high be glo­ry
And peace on earth to men!

While thus they sing your mon­arch,
Those bright an­gel­ic bands,
Rejoice, ye vales and mount­ains!
Ye oceans, clap your hands!
Repeat the hymn again:
To God on high be glo­ry
And peace on earth to men!

Since all He comes to ran­som,
By all be He ad­ored,
The In­fant born in Beth­l’em,
The Sav­ior and the Lord!
Repeat the hymn again:
To God on high be glo­ry
And peace on earth to men!

And id­ol forms shall per­ish,
And er­ror shall de­cay,
And Christ shall wield His scep­ter,
Our Lord and God for aye.
Repeat the hymn again:
To God on high be glo­ry
And peace on earth to men!