I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20
Words: Julia H. Johnston, in Bible Study Songs, by Bertha F. Vella & Daniel Towner (Boston, Massachusetts & Chicago, Illinois: Pilgrim Press, 1899), page 74.
Music: Twentynine Palms Daniel B. Towner, 1899 (🔊
Grow like Jesus, He is love,
He is pure and holy;
You may be like Christ above,
Though your life be lowly.
Grow like Jesus day by day,
He is ever near you;
Look to Jesus, watch and pray,
He delights to hear you.
Grow like Jesus, He is kind,
Patient, sweet, and tender;
None who seek Him fail to find,
He is our defender.
Grow like Jesus, shine for Him,
As the stars forever;
Never let your light grow dim,
He will fail you never.