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Scripture Verse

Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest. Psalm 55:6


Thomas Bayly (1797–1839)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Ma­ri­on P. Aird, Heart His­to­ries 1853, alt.

Music: Long, Long Ago Tho­mas H. Bay­ly (1797–1839) (🔊 ).

Marion P. Aird (1815–1888)


Had I the wings of a dove, I would fly
Far, far away, far, far away.
Where not a cloud ev­er dark­ens the sky,
Far, far away, far, far away.
Fadeless the flow’rs in yon Ed­en that blow,
Green, green the bow’rs where the still wa­ters flow,
Hearts like their gar­ments are pure as the snow,
Far, far away, far, far away.

There nev­er trem­bles a sigh of re­gret,
Far, far away, far, far away.
Stars of the morn­ing in glo­ry ne’er set;
Far, far away, far, far away.
There I for ev­er from sor­row would rest,
Leaning with joy on Em­ma­nu­el’s breast,
Tears nev­er flow in the home of the blest,
Far, far away, far, far away.

Friends there unit­ed in glo­ry ne’er part,
Far, far away, far, far away.
One is their tem­ple, their home, and their heart,
Far, far away, far, far away.
River of crys­tal and ci­ty of gold,
Portals of pearl such a glo­ry un­fold;
Eye can­not im­age, and tongue hath not told,
Far, far away, far, far away.

List how yon harp­ers on gold­en harps play—
Come, come away, come, come away.
Falling and frail is your cot­tage of clay—
Come, come away, come, come away.
Come to these man­sions, there’s room yet for you,
Dwell with the Friend ev­er faith­ful and true,
Sing ye the song nev­er old, ev­er new,
Come, come away, come, come away.