Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.
Psalm 55:6
Words: Marion P. Aird, Heart Histories 1853, alt.
Music: Long, Long Ago Thomas H. Bayly (1797–1839) (🔊
Had I the wings of a dove, I would fly
Far, far away, far, far away.
Where not a cloud ever darkens the sky,
Far, far away, far, far away.
Fadeless the flow’rs in yon Eden that blow,
Green, green the bow’rs where the still waters flow,
Hearts like their garments are pure as the snow,
Far, far away, far, far away.
There never trembles a sigh of regret,
Far, far away, far, far away.
Stars of the morning in glory ne’er set;
Far, far away, far, far away.
There I for ever from sorrow would rest,
Leaning with joy on Emmanuel’s breast,
Tears never flow in the home of the blest,
Far, far away, far, far away.
Friends there united in glory ne’er part,
Far, far away, far, far away.
One is their temple, their home, and their heart,
Far, far away, far, far away.
River of crystal and city of gold,
Portals of pearl such a glory unfold;
Eye cannot image, and tongue hath not told,
Far, far away, far, far away.
List how yon harpers on golden harps play—
Come, come away, come, come away.
Falling and frail is your cottage of clay—
Come, come away, come, come away.
Come to these mansions, there’s room yet for you,
Dwell with the Friend ever faithful and true,
Sing ye the song never old, ever new,
Come, come away, come, come away.