Scripture Verse

The Fa­ther…the Son and…the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:20


William Croft (1678–1727)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns on the Tri­ni­ty 1767.

Music: St. Anne Will­iam Croft, 1708 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Hail! Fa­ther, Son and Spir­it great,
Before the birth of time
Enthroned in ev­er­last­ing state,
Jehovah Elo­him!

A mys­ti­cal plu­ra­li­ty
We in the God­head own,
Adoring One in Per­sons Three,
And Three in na­ture One.

From Thee our be­ing we re­ceive,
The crea­tures of Thy grace;
And, raised out of the earth, we live
To sing our mak­er’s praise.

Thy pow­er­ful, wise, and lov­ing mind
Did our cre­ation plan;
And all the glo­ri­ous Per­sons joined
To form Thy fa­vo­rite, man.

Again Thou didst, in coun­cil met,
Thy ru­ined work re­store,
Established in our first es­tate,
To for­feit it no more.

And when we rise in love re­newed,
Our souls re­sem­ble Thee,
An im­age of the Tri­une God,
To all eter­ni­ty.