Scripture Verse

My son, give Me thine heart. Proverbs 23:26


Words: M. A. Ca­sey, in The New Cen­tu­ry Ca­rols, ed­it­ed by Au­gus­tus My­ers (Day­ton, Ohio: Unit­ed Breth­ren Pub­lish­ing House, 1899), num­ber 38.

Music: Au­gus­tus F. My­ers (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Ca­sey’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or My­ers,


Christ has called to ser­vice
Every youth to­day;
Hark! the host ad­vanc­es,
Join them in the way.
With a vi­sion glo­ri­ous,
Steps are quick and strong;
From the hills of glo­ry
Christ com­mands the throng.


Hail! glo­ri­ous ar­my!
Be strong and true,
Laud, praise your cap­tain,
Who leads you through.
Keep on re­cruit­ing,
Seek men ev­ery­where,
Christ will sure­ly save,
Give them crowns to wear.

Time for pray­er most ear­nest,
You must have, or fail;
Go with trust and cour­age,
Satan’s host shall quail.
With the hope of tri­umph,
Onward press to­day;
Gird thy sac­red pow­ers,
There in­to the fray.


Heed ye ev­ery or­der,
Keep up­on the line,
Grasp the sword of spir­it,
Victory is thine.
Blessèd is the ser­vice,
Sweet the dai­ly joy,
Bright the bless­èd fu­ture,
While in Christ’s em­ploy.
