Scripture Verse

Alleluia; Sal­va­tion, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our God. Revelation 19:1


Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1856–1922)

Words: John­son Oat­man, Jr., in Songs of Love and Praise No. 5, ed­it­ed by John R. Swe­ney et al. (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­vania, and Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: John J. Hood, 1898), num­ber 100.

Music: J. Ho­ward Ent­wisle (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ent­wisle (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Oat­man,


Once a sin­ner far from Je­sus,
I was per­ish­ing with cold,
But the bless­èd Sav­ior heard me when I cried;
Then He threw His robe around me,
And He led me to His fold,
And I’m liv­ing on the hal­le­lu­jah side.


Oh, glo­ry be to Je­sus, let the hal­le­lu­jahs roll;
Help me ring the Sav­ior’s prais­es far and wide,
For I’ve op­ened up tow’rd Hea­ven
All the win­dows of my soul,
And I’m liv­ing on the hal­le­lujah side.

Tho’ the world may sweep around me
With her daz­zle and her dreams,
Yet I en­vy not her va­ni­ties and pride,
For my soul looks up to Hea­ven,
Where the gold­en sun­light gleams,
And I’m liv­ing on the hal­le­lu­jah side.


Not for all earth’s gold­en mill­ions
Would I leave this pre­cious place,
Tho’ the tempt­er to per­suade me oft has tried,
For I’m safe in God’s pa­vil­ion,
Happy in His love and grace,
And I’m liv­ing on the hal­le­lu­jah side.


Here the sun is al­ways shin­ing,
Here the sky is al­ways bright;
’Tis no place for gloomy Chris­tians to abide,
For my soul is filled with mu­sic
And my heart with great de­light,
And I’m liv­ing on the hal­le­lujah side.


And up­on the streets of glo­ry,
When we reach the oth­er shore,
And have safe­ly crossed the Jor­dan’s roll­ing tide,
You will find me shout­ing Glo­ry
Just out­side my man­sion door
Where I’m liv­ing on the hal­le­lu­jah side.
