Scripture Verse

Dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. Psalm 22:16


Words & Mu­sic: Will O. Jones, 1921 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Will O. Jones


The hands that were nailed on the cross for me,
Were pierced that my soul might His glo­ry see,
That gave me my sight to be­hold His face.
That ran­som my soul and be­stow His grace.


The hands that were pierced for me,
Were pierced that my Lord might see,
Redemption com­plete at my dear Sav­ior’s feet,
Those hands they were pierced for me.

The pain that my Sav­ior once bore for me
Provided atone­ment and love so free,
So match­less the grace when my Sav­ior died,
It gave me the rest of the jus­ti­fied.


The em­blem of shame on the cru­el tree
When Je­sus the Lord died for you and me,
Delivered my soul from its guilt and shame.
His hands were pierced for me, O praise His name.


Not on­ly His hands and His feet and side
Were pierced, but His heart gave a crim­son tide,
So lov­ing­ly Je­sus gave life to me,
When He was nailed on Gol­go­tha’s tree.
