[He] made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.
Philippians 2:7
Words: Anna R. Barkuloo, in The Anniversary and Sunday School Music Book No. 15 (New York: Horace Waters, 1858).
Music: Jones arranged by Horace Waters (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good photo of Barkuloo (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
The promised morning o’er us breaks,
Majestic in array;
The great Redeemer on Him takes
The garment of our clay.
For Bethlehem’s Babe shall save from sin,
Young children yet unborn;
And angels joy to usher in,
The happy Christmas morn,
The Christmas morn,
The happy Christmas morn,
The Christmas morn,
The happy Christmas morn.
For Bethlehem’s Babe shall save from sin,
Young children yet unborn;
And angels joy to usher in,
The happy Christmas morn,
And angels joy to usher in,
The happy Christmas morn,
The happy Christmas morn,
The happy Christmas morn.
When evening shadows thickly fall,
Around life’s closing day,
When dearest friends unheeded call,
Life’s memories swept away:
Our hearts shall thrill to one dear name,
In gentle whispers borne,
Sweet Savior! Jesus! He who came
Upon the Christmas morn,
The Christmas morn,
Upon the Christmas morn,
The Christmas morn,
Upon the Christmas morn,
Our hearts shall thrill to one dear name,
In gentle whispers borne,
Sweet Savior! Jesus! He who came
Upon the Christmas morn,
Sweet Savior! Jesus! He who came
Upon the Christmas morn,
Upon the Christmas morn,
Upon the Christmas morn.