An angel of the Lord appeared…and…said to them,
Luke 2:9–11Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.
Words & Music: Charles W. Wendte, Heart and Voice (Boston, Massachusetts: George H. Ellis, 1909), number 223 (🔊 ).
Happy Christmas! Happy Christmas!
Hear thy music on the air!
Bells are ringing, children singing,
Love and gladness everywhere.
E’en the saddest heart grows cheerful
On this glorious Christmas morn;
While above the sweet voiced angels
Sing for joy that Jesus Christ is born.
Happy Christmas! Happy Christmas!
Hear thy music on the air!
Bells are ringing, children singing,
Love and gladness everywhere.
Not alone in far Judea,
Under Bethl’em’s starlit skies;
In our hearts and homes the Christ-child
Born anew, in beauty lies.
Angel songs and pious raptures
Humble folk and kings of earth,
Joyous tidings, holy visions,
Greet once more, Messiah’s hallowed birth.
Born anew in hearts made tender,
Born anew in hearts made glad;
To foretell the reign of goodness,
And the downfall of the bad.
Truth shall triumph over falsehood,
Right be victor over wrong;
Christian hearts! believe, proclaim it!
Chant it in your grateful Christmas song!