Scripture Verse

I heard the voice of many angels…ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb. Revelation 5:11–12


Thomas Kelly (1769–1855)

Words: Tho­mas Kel­ly, Hymns on Va­ri­ous Pass­ag­es of Scrip­tures, se­cond edi­tion, 1806.

Music: Rath­bun Ith­amar Con­key, 1849 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ithamar Conkey (1815–1867)


Hark! the notes of an­gels sing­ing,
Glory, glo­ry to the Lamb!
All in Hea­ven their tri­bute bring­ing,
Raising high the Sav­ior’s name.

Ye for whom His life was giv­en,
Sacred themes to you be­long:
Come, as­sist the choir of Hea­ven,
Join the ev­er­last­ing song.

See! the an­gel­ic hosts have crowned Him,
Jesus fills the throne on high;
Countless my­ri­ads, ho­ver­ing round Him,
With His prais­es rend the sky.

Filled with ho­ly emu­la­tion,
Let us vie with those above:
Sweet the theme, a free sal­va­tion,
Fruit of ev­er­last­ing love.

Endless life in Him pos­sess­ing,
Let us praise His pre­cious name;
Glory, hon­or, pow­er and bless­ing
Be for­ev­er to the Lamb.