Scripture Verse

The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Isaiah 40:3


John Brownlie (1857–1925)

Words: Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by John Brown­lie, Hymns from East and West (Lon­don: James Nis­bet, 1898), pag­es 37–38.

Music: Stut­tgart in Psal­mo­dia Sac­ra, by Chri­stian F. Witt (Go­tha, Ger­ma­ny: 1715). Adapt­ed by Hen­ry J. Gaunt­lett (1805–1876) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry J. Gauntlett (1805–1876)
National Portrait Gallery


Origin of the Hymn

Translated from a re­cast of the fifth cen­tu­ry hymn be­gin­ning Vox cla­ra, ec­ce, in­to­nat, in the Ro­man Bre­vi­ary of 1632. The orig­in­al is by some as­signed to St. Am­brose, not with­out ad­equate rea­son.

John Brownlie


Hark! a voice is loud­ly ring­ing
Through the mists that cloud the night;
Banish hence your idle dream­ing—
Christ des­cend­eth from the height.

Soul of mine, be­stir! awak­en!
Prone on earth no long­er lie;
Every dis­mal cloud shall van­ish—
See, His star is in the sky!

Lo! the Lamb to earth des­cend­eth,
Bearing par­don to our race;
Come with tears and seek for­giv­eness
From the full­ness of His grace.

When He comes again in bright­ness,
Filling earth with woe­ful dread,
May the shield of His pro­tect­ion
O’er our trust­ing souls be spread.

Virtue, hon­or, praise, and glo­ry
To the Fa­ther and the Son,
With the Pa­ra­clete most ho­ly,
Now, and while the ag­es run.