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Scripture Verse

This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Matthew 24:14


Words: Al­bert B. Simp­son, Hymns of the Chris­tian Life No. 3 (New York: Al­li­ance Press, 1904), num­ber 139.

Music: Shreve­port Al­bert B. Simp­son, 1904 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

Albert Simpson (1843–1919)


Looking for the com­ing of the Mas­ter,
Hasting on the glad Mil­len­ni­al Day;
So the Bride should wait for His re­turn­ing,
So the Church should wait, and watch and pray.
We may hast­en for­ward His ap­pear­ing,
We may speed along the lin­ger­ing years,
We may send the Gos­pel as a wit­ness,
And pre­pare the way ere He ap­pears.

Longing for the com­ing of the Mas­ter,
It will bring us all we hold most dear;
Oh, to be with Je­sus in His glo­ry,
And to have our loved ones with us there.
All our griefs and wrongs shall then be right­ed,
Earth shall be a pa­ra­dise again,
Sin and sick­ness, death and sor­row end­ed,
Joy and peace shall hold an end­less reign.

Hasting on the com­ing of the Mas­ter,
Let us speed the days that lin­ger still,
Time is count­ed yon­der, not by num­bers,
But con­di­tions which we may ful­fill.
If we bring the oth­er sheep to Je­sus,
If we send the Gos­pel ev­ery­where,
We may hast­en for­ward His ap­pear­ing,
And His bless­èd com­ing help pre­pare.

Is there some­one still among your loved ones
Would be miss­ing should He come today?
Is there any sin upon our con­sci­ence
That would make us from Him hide away?
Is there some­thing we could do for Je­sus,
Something that would help to make Him king?
Let us gird our loins to meet the Bride­groom,
And His glo­ri­ous com­ing haste to bring.