Scripture Verse

All the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. Isaiah 52:10


John R. Macduff (1818–1895)

Words: John R. Mac­duff, Al­tar Stones (Lon­don: James Nis­bet, 1853), pag­es 54–55.

Music: Ly­dia (Steb­bins) George C. Steb­bins (1848–1945) (🔊 pdf nwc).

George C. Stebbins (1846–1945)


Hasten, Lord, that morn of glo­ry,
When the world shall groan no more,
When the Gos­pel’s joy­ous sto­ry
Shall be spread from shore to shore.

Speed the glo­ri­ous pro­cla­ma­tion,
Let Mes­si­ah’s power in­crease;
Every tribe, and tongue, and na­tion,
Welcome in the Prince of Peace!

Wake your ech­oes, rocks of Ke­dar!
Midian! Eph­ah! own His grace!
Fir, and pine, and box, and ce­dar
Beautify His ho­ly place!

Blessèd time, when ev­ery dwell­ing
Shall one joy­ful an­them raise;
Every heart with rap­ture swell­ing,
Thrilling ev­ery tongue with praise.

When the leo­pard and the li­on,
With the lamb in peace shall lie,
And with­in the earth­ly Zi­on
Dwell the love that reigns on high.

Firmament, now glow­ing o’er us!
Mountains! ri­vers! isles! and sea!
All com­bine to swell the cho­rus
That will ring earth’s ju­bi­lee!