Scripture Verse

He shall be called a Nazarene. Matthew 2:23


Elsie D. Yale (1873–1956)
J. Lincoln Hall (1866–1930)

Words: El­sie D. Yale, 1921. Some hym­nals give the au­thor as Grace Gor­don, Yale’s pseu­do­nym.

Music: J. Lin­coln Hall (🔊 pdf nwc). Some hym­nals give the com­pos­er as Clyde Will­ard, one of Hall’s pseu­do­nyms.


Have ye been to Na­za­reth,
Lowly, yet so fair?
Yes, we sought His hum­ble town,
Found our mas­ter there!
Did He dwell in pal­ace fair,
Holding king­ly sway?
Nay, we found a car­pen­ter,
Toiling day by day!


In life’s Na­za­reth we seek,
Christ, the Mas­ter meek,
In our toil from day to day,
Find our Lord for aye!

Did ye find at Na­za­reth,
Christ the Son of God?
Yea, He was the Son of Man,
Earthly paths He trod.
Did ye find a bless­ing there
Ever to abide?
Yea, by Him the toil­some tasks
E’er are glo­ri­fied.


Is there light from Na­za­reth,
Daily life to crown?
Yes, the glo­ry streams afar,
Distant years adown.
Will the Lord of Na­za­reth,
Friend and com­rade be?
All un­seen He dwells with us,
As in Ga­li­lee!
