Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19
Words & Music: Haldor Lillenas, in The Crown, edited by Emmett S. Dean (Waco, Texas: Trio Music, 1923) (🔊
Have you heard the sobbing
Of a thousand million souls,
Submerged in darkest heathen night?
Vainly groping for the way that leads
To hope and peace,
They plead and wait the Gospel light.
A thousand million souls are dying,
A thousand million souls
For whom the Savior died.
Can you still deny their plea?
Can you longer idle be,
While a thousand million souls are dying?
Have you heard the sobbing
Of a thousand million souls,
By superstitious chains enslaved?
Can you longer be indifferent
To their sad estate?
Thro’ Jesus they can all be saved.
Can you hear the sobbing
Of a thousand million souls,
Who seek relief of heart in vain?
Let them have the blessèd Gospel
That can freedom give,
And rend the chains of sin in twain.