What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
Luke 15:4
Words: Fanny Crosby, in the Christian Endeavor Edition of Gospel Hymns No. 6 (Boston, Massachusetts: United Society of Christian Endeavor, 1891).
Music: Ira D. Sankey (🔊
Have you sought for the sheep that have wandered,
Far away on the dark mountains cold?
Have you gone, like the tender Shepherd,
To bring them again to the fold?
Have you followed their weary footsteps?
And the wild desert waste have you crossed,
Nor lingered till safe home returning,
You have gathered the sheep that were lost?
Have you been to the sad and the lonely,
Whose burdens are heavy to bear?
Have you carried the name of Jesus,
And tenderly breathed it in prayer?
Have you told of the great salvation
He died on the cross to secure?
Have you asked them to trust in the Savior,
Whose love shall forever endure?
Have you knelt by the sick and the dying,
The message of mercy to tell?
Have you stood by the trembling captive
Alone in his dark prison cell?
Have you pointed the lost to Jesus,
And urged them on Him to believe?
Have you told of the life everlasting,
That all, if they will, may receive?
If to Jesus you answer these questions,
And to Him have been faithful and true,
Then behold, in the mansions yonder
Are crowns of rejoicing for you;
And there from the King eternal
Your welcome and greeting shall be,
Inasmuch as ’twas done for My brethren,
Even so it was done unto Me.