The body and blood of the Lord.
1 Corinthians 11:27
Words: Arthur J. Mason, in Supplemental Hymns to Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1889.
Music: Ave Verum Corpus William H. Monk, in Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1889 (🔊
Alternate Tune:
Hail, body true, of Mary born,
And in the manger laid,
That once with thorn and scourging torn
Wast on the cross displayed,
That every eye might there descry
Th’uplifted Sacrifice,
Which once for all to God on high
Paid our redemption’s price!
Hail, precious blood, by true descent
Drawn from our own first sire,
Yet innocent of that fell taint
Which fills our veins with fire,
Once from the side of Him that died
For love of us His kin,
Drained an atonement to provide
And wash away our sin!
Still Thou art here amidst us, Lord,
Unchangeably the same;
When at Thy board with one accord
Thy promises we claim;
But lo! the way Thou com’st today
Is one where bread and wine
Conceal the presence they convey,
Both human and divine.
How glorious is that body now,
Throned on the throne of Heav’n!
The angels bow, and marvel how
To us on earth ’tis giv’n;
Oh, to discern what splendors burn
Within these veils of His—
That faith could into vision turn,
And see Him as He is!
How mighty is the blood that ran
For sinful nature’s needs!
It broke the ban, it rescued man;
It lives, and speaks, and pleads;
And all who sup from this blest cup
In faith and hope and love,
Shall prove that death is swallowed up
In richer life above.