Scripture Verse

I will pray the Fa­ther, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever. John 14:16


Doc M. Shanks (1848–1935)

Words: Her­bert E. Buf­fum, 1922.

Music: Dock M. Shanks (🔊 pdf nwc).

Herbert E. Buffum (1879–1939)


I’m re­joic­ing night and day
As I walk the nar­row way,
For the hand of God in all my life I see.
And the rea­son of my bliss,
Yes, the sec­ret all is this:
That the Com­fort­er abides with me.


He abides, He abides.
Hallelujah, He abides with me!
I’m re­joic­ing night and day
As I walk the nar­row way,
For the Com­fort­er abides with me.

Once my heart was full of sin,
Once I had no peace with­in,
Till I heard how Je­sus died up­on the tree.
Then I fell down at His feet,
And there came a peace so sweet.
Now the Com­fort­er abides with me.


He is with me ev­ery­where,
And He knows my ev­ery care;
I’m as ha­ppy as a bird and just as free.
For the Spir­it has con­trol;
Jesus sa­tis­fies my soul,
Since the Com­fort­er abides with me.


There’s no thirst­ing for the things
Of the world—they’ve tak­en wings.
Long ago I gave them up, and in­stant­ly
All my night was turned to day,
All my bur­dens rolled away.
Now the Com­fort­er abides with me.
