He rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
1 Corinthians 15:4
Words & Music: George C. Hugg, in Songs for the Harvest Field (New York: Fillmore Brothers, 1891) (🔊
). Compare Low in the Grave He Lay.
Lowly entombed He lay,
My blessèd Savior;
Waiting the promised day,
My precious Lord.
Up from the tomb He arose!
And in triumph,
Vanquished all His foes;
He arose a victor
O’er the realms of night;
And He reigns forever
With His saints in light,
He arose (He arose),
He arose (He arose),
Victor over all His foes.
Vainly they watch Him now,
My blessèd Savior;
Surely He’ll keep His vow,
My precious Lord.
Bursting the seal, He rose,
My blessèd Savior;
Scatt’ring His armèd foes,
My precious Lord.