I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 11:19
Words: Charles Wesley, Hymns on the Lord’s Supper 1745. Some hymnals describe this as a translation from Johann Crüger, but Crüger is not known to have written any hymns.
Music: Rosefield H. A. César Malan, 1834 (🔊
Hearts of stone relent, relent!
Break, by Jesus’ cross subdued;
See His body mangled rent,
Covered with His flowing blood;
Sinful soul! What hast thou done?
Crucified the eternal Son!
Yes, thy sins have done the deed,
Driven the nails that fixed Him there,
Crowned with thorns His sacred head,
Plunged Him with a soldier’s spear;
Made His soul a sacrifice,
For a sinful world He dies.
Wilt thou let Him die in vain?
Still to death pursue our God?
Open all His wounds again?
Trample on His precious blood?
No; with all my sins I’ll part,
Savior, take my broken heart!