Scripture Verse

I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 11:19


H. A. César Malan (1787–1864)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns on the Lord’s Sup­per 1745. Some hym­nals de­scribe this as a trans­la­tion from Jo­hann Crü­ger, but Crü­ger is not known to have writ­ten any hymns.

Music: Rose­field H. A. Cé­sar Ma­lan, 1834 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Hearts of stone re­lent, re­lent!
Break, by Je­sus’ cross sub­dued;
See His body man­gled rent,
Covered with His flow­ing blood;
Sinful soul! What hast thou done?
Crucified the eter­nal Son!

Yes, thy sins have done the deed,
Driven the nails that fixed Him there,
Crowned with thorns His sac­red head,
Plunged Him with a sol­dier’s spear;
Made His soul a sac­rifice,
For a sin­ful world He dies.

Wilt thou let Him die in vain?
Still to death pur­sue our God?
Open all His wounds again?
Trample on His pre­cious blood?
No; with all my sins I’ll part,
Savior, take my brok­en heart!