All things are ready: Come.
Matthew 22:4
Words: Julia H. Johnston, 1897.
Music: Daniel B. Towner (🔊
Come, for all is ready, and the feast is spread,
Come, for Jesus offers you the living Bread,
Hear His invitation, ’mid the toil and strife,
Come, and take the gift of life.
Hear the word, all may come;
Without price, come and take eternal life.
Gospel bells are ringing, hear the echo sweet,
Calling in the wand’ring to the Savior’s feet,
Heed the tender message, seek the great reward,
Hear the voice of Christ your Lord.
Welcome, ever welcome to the feast of love,
Whosoever will, may see His face above,
Hark, with hallelujahs, how the high courts ring,
Come, and crown the Savior King.
You who know how precious is His grace so free,
Take the gift of life yet more abundantly.
Spread the invitation, there is room for all,
Sound abroad the loving call.