…wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
Luke 2:12
Words: Ada J. Blenkhorn, 1914.
Music: Charles H. Gabriel (🔊
No warm downy pillow His sweet head pressed,
No soft silken garments His fair form dressed;
He lay in a manger, this heavenly Stranger,
The precious Lord Jesus, the wonderful Child.
Thou heavenly Stranger, so gentle and mild,
Tho’ born in a manger, the Father’s own child;
We’ll worship before Thee,
And praise and adore Thee,
And sing the glad story again and again.
No jubilant clang of rejoicing bell
The glorious news to the world did tell;
But angels from glory sang sweetly the story
Of Bethlehem’s Stranger, the Savior of men.
All hail to Thee, Jesus, Thou Holy One!
All hail to Thee, Jesus! Jehovah’s Son;
While angels adore Thee,
We’ll worship before Thee,
Our blessèd Messiah, our Savior and King.