Scripture Verse

He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7


Victor H. Benke (1872–1904)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1898.

Music: Que­zon Vic­tor H. Ben­ke (🔊 pdf nwc).

Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)


I have a pre­cious, faith­ful guide,
A firm, abid­ing friend,
Who in His word the pro­mise gives
To help me to the end.
I cast on Him my ev­ery care,
Whose eye my heart can see,
Though oft I wan­der from His love,
I know He cares for me.


He cares for ev­en me,
And this my joy shall be,
That if He marks the spar­row’s fall,
I know He cares for me.

The frag­rant li­lies of the field,
He clothes in beau­ty rare,
And though they nei­ther toil nor spin,
He makes them still His care.
No king on earth, how­ev­er great,
Like them ar­rayed can be,
And so I learn to trust my Lord,
And know He cares for me.


The birds that nei­ther sow nor reap,
By Him are dai­ly fed,
Who num­bers with un­er­ring glance,
The hairs up­on my head.
Within His ev­er­last­ing arms
My soul at peace shall be;
I can­not doubt, be­cause I know
My Sav­ior cares for me.
